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Solving the Black maternal and child health crisis | Johns Hopkins

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Solving The Black Maternal And Child Health Crisis | Johns

Medical system and education reform

Reforms in medical practice and education are also central to efforts to improve outcomes for Black mothers. At the heart of this study is the cleansing of systemic racism etched into the history of America’s health care system.

of Flexner Report of 1910— with funding from the American Medical Association — laid the foundation for American medical education and led to its closure. all except two Historically black medical school. This created, and continues to create, a severe shortage of Black health care professionals, leading to a lack of cultural humility when caring for Black patients.

At the same time, there are also black providers such as: grandma midwife-participant half Of all the births of the early 20th century, these are the increasingly undermined and discredited ones. By 1975, less than 1% As hospital births became the standard of care, midwives were present at a percentage of births.

Activities calling for health system and education reform seek to unravel the legacies of these practices by directly considering racism, diversifying the health care workforce, and providing health care to Black mothers. . Culturally sensitive care.

This includes expanding access to midwives and doulas to support Black mothers. People who receive care from midwives are less likely to give birth prematurely, less likely to have a caesarean section, and more likely to breastfeed. A doula (a non-clinical health care provider who provides physical, emotional, and informational support during pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and the postpartum period) Racial disparities in maternal healthand its services associated There are fewer birth complications and the risk of having a low birth weight baby. some states These services are covered by Medicaid, and advocates are calling for expanded access to these services nationwide.

When it comes to clinical care, addressing biased care practices in clinical care is a top priority for physician advocates, including: It decries biased care practices, including excessive drug testing of black women in labor and delivery wards.a recent research A study of hospitals in Pennsylvania found that black women are less likely to test positive for drugs than white women, even though they are tested more frequently.

Efforts to address discriminatory hospital policies have led many physicians to refocus their energy on advocacy, said Jamila Perritt, MD, MPH ’10, president and CEO of Physicians for Reproduction Health. states.

“These policies are highly misunderstood and misguided, are not based on scientific or medical evidence, and are in fact directly at odds with public health principles,” Perritt said. . [physicians] It’s not infallible. We will make mistakes, we will cause harm, and the question becomes what we did afterwards. ”

Meanwhile, a new generation of medical residents is also pushing for equity, by participating in large-scale anti-racism movements through organizations such as White Coats for Black Lives, and by spearheading curriculum changes. Neel Shah says that sexuality is at the center of education. He is an M.D. and assistant professor of reproductive biology in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Harvard Medical School.

“One of the things I’ve seen over the last few years is that medical students themselves are driving change,” Shah says. “They’re demanding implicit bias curriculum, they’re demanding that health equity be part of the curriculum.”

Strengthening community organizations

The birth equity movement is also gaining momentum, driven by community-based organizations (CBOs) focused on caring for Black mothers and advocating for policy and systemic change across the health care system.

“Health is not created within the four walls of a doctor’s office,” Shah says. “It’s produced in people’s homes, communities, and workplaces. And to serve someone, you don’t just need the right technical expertise; you need the right lived experience, especially when it comes to childbirth.” must be accumulated.”

CBOs are often important intermediaries between individuals and policy makers, both empowering ordinary people at the grassroots level and mobilizing political support and influence at the “grassroots” level. I will be active. They are particularly suited to address the unique needs of their communities, such as the challenges faced by Black birthing mothers seeking quality care.

These organizations are important partners in efforts to reduce disparities in maternal health outcomes. They work with health care providers, policy makers, and other stakeholders to advocate for programs that target the issues at hand, providing much-needed support such as access to doulas, home visits, social service referrals, and education. We are committed to providing the resources you need.

Support for work already taking place in black communities is embedded in policy efforts such as Momnibus and the following proposals. 2022 White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis.

The Black maternal and child health crisis is complex and deep-rooted, requiring solutions at all levels of society. There is promise in policy, potential in system change, and renewed energy in the next generation of medical residents. The community is making a collective effort to transform the experience. Families affected by the crisis are speaking out.

But policymakers, doctors, and Black birth workers alone can help solve this problem by staying informed about the roots of the problem and supporting efforts being made to combat it. there is no.

If you want to learn more about the Black maternal and child health crisis, the history of the problem, and the solutions, check out the links and recommended books below.

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