Home Travel Fight Through Flight Gives Travel to Black Women with Breast Cancer

Fight Through Flight Gives Travel to Black Women with Breast Cancer

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Fight Through Flight Gives Travel To Black Women With Breast

In the late 90’s, my great-aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. Everything seemed to happen so quickly because I was young. One moment her aunt’s head was full of soft curly hair, and the next moment it wasn’t. Her bright smile with which she greeted me began to fade every time I entered her home. She was different. Everything was different. And all the adults were annoyed.

Since then, another woman in my life has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Friends, cousins, colleagues. I myself had a brief moment of fear, but fortunately, nothing seemed to have happened. But as my grandmother told me just a few months before my nerve-wracking breast exam, it’s worth getting tested, even if it doesn’t seem like anything. She was right. Breast cancer incidence rates do not differ significantly between white and black women, but mortality rates are a different story. Black women are 40 percent more likely to die from breast cancer than white women. Furthermore, black women are unduly influenced It is a more aggressive subtype of breast cancer and is more likely to be diagnosed at a younger age.

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am honored to… fight through Flight is a nonprofit organization that supports healing for Black women living with breast cancer and breast cancer survivors through wellness retreats and travel experiences. I spoke to Tanbe about the bittersweet story behind the creation of Fight for Flights, why organizations like this are important, and how others can support their continued growth. did.

FTF sisters

From left to right: Esther Tambe, Alicia Tambe, and Maria Tambe of Rome.

The founding of Fight Through Flights was inspired by the death of a loved one. Could you tell us more about that?

Fight Through Flight was co-founded by me and my sister Alicia in honor of my late sister Maria. triple-negative breast cancer. In 2019 she was diagnosed. She was 38 years old, she turned 39 [during] Her battle with cancer. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. She died at the age of 40. So it was a short-lived journey. [We created Fight Through Flights because] One of the things we did together as sisters was travel together. We traveled together even as she went through her cancer journey of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

We went to Cartagena together for my sister’s bachelorette party. We went to Napa together, and she was still going back and forth in New York and California. So traveling was something that brought us joy, and it was something we all did together. That’s why we want to be able to give to others. [access] Part of the fun of traveling [because] We found it to be a form of healing for her.

This mission focuses on mental health and wellness. Why was that important to this organization?

I mean, we didn’t live with breast cancer, but we lost loved ones and watched them live with breast cancer. It also helps to know just how stress can affect you, what it means, and how stress can affect your body. Ta. Rather, the focus was on bringing that joy, having other avenues of healing that weren’t necessarily through drugs, and providing that space for Black women. [We’re] Whether it’s a retreat or another program like an overnight stay in a hotel, we provide space for you to enjoy your time. I also value self-care. You don’t have to do everything yourself.

What was your favorite of the programs you guys offer?

I think most people would prefer to be able to stay in a hotel for one night. This allows them to just run away. This is something we didn’t even realize when we started reading these applications and hearing people say they just want to put their feet up in bed or take a bath. Understanding how much it means to others. There are also other programs that people enjoy, although they are not always offered. Our retreat supports Black leaders in the breast cancer community living with breast cancer. They ended up going to Belize, which felt like a wonderful tropical retreat.

Beyond current programs, what are the organization’s long-term goals and what can it offer Black women?

We want to continue providing travel wellness experiences [and] You will be able to travel more. Due to the effects of the new coronavirus, we had to start with Road trip and staycation programs Until we can send people to run individual programs. But our goal is only to increase the number of trips. [and] Further withdrawal. Breast cancer affects black women, even though it’s all in the US now [across the] African Diaspora. So she can also expand her work beyond the United States to provide joy and a safe space for Black women with breast cancer as they move through their lives.

Road trip to Recovery 2.0 with FTF

A road trip to Recovery 2.0 in Illinois.

What has been most rewarding about curating the Fight for Flights community and watching it blossom?

I think being able to help other women is the most rewarding thing. could not provide this [our sister]. So now that we know that some women may or may not need the extra support of their two sisters who love to travel, it’s time to do this on our own. I can.we see [our sister] Many of the women we work with are like her, like to travel, like to dance, or are also nurses. I think being able to provide this space for someone to take a break when they’re struggling or to make more memories with new people is the most rewarding part of this community. And the people we met didn’t just do it once and be done with it. We keep the conversation going, we keep the community going, we keep reaching out. And many of the women we met understand that we started this from a place of loss. They check in on us and offer support. So we too are receiving a sense of healing while doing this.

How can you support Fight Through Flight?

The biggest way to support us is to donate It can be financial, wellness trips, activities, hotel stays, airline miles, hotel points, etc. This will allow us to create more travel experiences for women. If that’s not possible, just share and let people know there is a space for Black women with breast cancer. And it doesn’t matter what stage you’re in, whether you literally just got diagnosed or you’ve been in remission for 20 years. You still have the breast cancer experience and it’s something you live with for a long time. That’s why we continue to provide a healing space for you too.

Have you had any last thoughts about this organization or its support for Black female survivors and Black women living with breast cancer?

Do some research to find out what’s out there. But if you’re dealing with breast cancer, know that you don’t have to do it alone. The support is there. Some organizations focus solely on BIPOC women or Black women [and] We can provide these safe spaces. No matter what is going on, you deserve joy.

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