Home Entertainment Why are Black women leaving studio leadership positions?

Why are Black women leaving studio leadership positions?

by Radio Chew
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Why Are Black Women Leaving Studio Leadership Positions?

The exodus of Black women from senior leadership positions across Hollywood in recent weeks has raised questions about the depth of the film and television industry’s commitment to diversifying the entertainment industry’s upper echelons. The high-profile departure sparked outrage on social media, with questions that major studios were only paying lip service to their promises to promote more people of color to positions of influence. There are growing concerns about

Last month, six Black female executives in prominent leadership roles abruptly resigned from their positions within the studio system. Many oversaw her DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) department, putting it at the forefront of larger efforts to change company culture and hiring practices. Those leaving include Karen Horn, who led DEI efforts at Warner Bros. Discovery, and Janelle English, executive vice president of impact and inclusion at the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Other notable executives include Netflix’s girlfriend Vernā Myers, Netflix’s first head of inclusion; Latandra Newton, Chief Diversity Officer and Senior Vice President, Disney; And another Warner Bros. executive, Tera Potts, vice president of worldwide marketing. On Monday, the BBC’s Director of Creative Diversity, Joanna Abaye, joined the team. And multiple industry insiders said the constant rate of employee departures is alarming. variety More BIPOC leaders are expected to join in the coming weeks.

So what’s going on? Sources said the departures are a result of a lack of financial support and resources, unnecessary obstacles that prevent executives from having meaningful influence, and, more importantly, distress to black leaders. It is said that the trigger is a combination of dissatisfaction with the overwhelming cultural exhaustion that is causing the decline. I see this as similar to the pendulum swing experienced after the election of President Barack Obama in 2008 leading to the rise of President Donald Trump in 2016. To be clear, there is no evidence that these companies have set out to oust Black female executives. But when companies find themselves strapped for cash, DEI efforts are often the first thing they consider. That can’t be a coincidence, right?

When Netflix implemented its first round of layoffs due to declining subscribers, the company announced that some of its streamers targeting underrepresented communities, such as Con Todo (Latinx) and Strong Black Lead, significantly reduced staff support for DEI efforts.

In the case of Warner Bros.,” Horn said, the memo sent by Warner Bros. Discovery’s head of DEI, Asif Sadiq, said her departure was the result of a restructuring, not recent layoffs. It is being said. WBD is transforming its systems by bringing together people from different regions to focus on employee engagement. It remains to be seen whether a segmented, localized approach will be as effective as an enterprise-wide approach.

All remaining executives resigned of their own volition, and many did not share any news about their next professional ventures. A closer look at their departures reveals that the reports and releases are peppered with a level of PR talk that raises far more questions than answers about his DEI strategies for the future of these companies. Masu.

The environment in June 2020 was very different. Public outrage over the killing of George Floyd prompted companies to share black squares on social media, with media conglomerates and others pledging to “do better” when it comes to diversity. Well, after three years, it’s starting to feel like they’re done with their “effort.”

Now that affirmative action in college admissions has been struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court, there are also concerns that companies will be emboldened to abandon recruitment efforts aimed at recruiting employees from underrepresented communities. It exists as such.

This impact will be felt deeply, as there are already far fewer Black women in leadership positions. I often talk about the “bench” in the industry. This refers to mid-career and up-and-coming people who are poised to become new leaders in film, television, and other forms of popular entertainment. Hollywood appears to be taking a step back from its investments. There are already so few women, especially Black women, in leadership positions that the impact of losing one is significant. Imagine she loses 6 in one month.

The data here can be informative.of 2022 Women in the Workplace Report McKinsey & Co. examines data and insights from 333 participating organizations (not just Hollywood) that employ more than 12 million people and collects survey responses from more than 40,000 employees. The report reveals that only 1 in 4 C-suite leaders are women, and only 1 in 20 (5%) are women of color. I’m doing it. The bottom line: “We’re in the middle of a ‘big break.'” Women want more from their jobs, and they’re leaving companies in unprecedented numbers to get it. ”

This is true to the words of one of the studio’s former executives. variety“Black women are not allowed to be difficult, vulnerable, weak, and defiant. I have to continually examine empty gestures about how things are resolved. It’s tiring, and it’s really tiring.”

People are starting to realize this, but perhaps it’s too late. At the moment, it seems like there’s too much focus on trying to spin these outlets and not enough focus on supporting Black women in leadership. From an outsider’s perspective, journalists don’t report on scandals, trailers, or premiere dates as much as they do on important internal initiatives like these. But in this case, the onus is on the industry’s largest employers to do more to enhance the good work being done.

At AMPAS, Mr. English’s departure comes one year after CEO Bill Kramer’s promotion. The organization also appointed Meredith Shea, a white woman, as its chief membership, impact and industry officer, who will now oversee diversity and diversity matters in addition to overseeing administrative and budget items for the academy. He is responsible for leading the efforts. Shea worked at the Academy for 10 years, overseeing the submissions and regulations of several branches. She left to join Ava DuVernay’s Alley in 2021, after which she returned to the Academy. senior leadership team. Currently, AMPAS has no Black or Latinx executive staff members other than Academy Museum President and Director Jacqueline Stewart (though it does have a BIPOC department head who reports directly to Kramer). But the Academy is no exception. According to a study by ZippiaAcross all specialties, 76% of chief diversity officers are white.

Across the industry, only a small number of Black business owners hold executive positions. Among them is Universal Studios Group Chairman Perna Igbokwe. WBTV Chairman and CEO Channing Dungey and TriStar Pictures President Nicole Brown. These three cannot do it alone, and we cannot place all our hopes and dreams for change on their shoulders.

When English announced her “first career sabbatical,” it served as a poignant reminder for Black women and their advocates. You are just as important as your job. Work happens through you. And the job only gets harder. So let’s bring out the best, well-rested version of ourselves. We are needed now more than ever. ”

Self-care is important for the Queen, but we can’t force her to give up her reign. Their absence at the highest levels of Hollywood decision-making would be excruciatingly painful.

(Top photo: Karen Horn, Jeanelle English, Verner Myers)

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